DVT IDE for VS Code SystemVerilog User Guide
Rev. 24.1.8, 24 April 2024

38.3.2 Parameter values

During elaboration, parameters (or generics in VHDL) get their values computed. The following sources, ordered by importance, are searched:

1. Configuration overrides. Any override of a parameter in a SystemVerilog config or a VHDL configuration rule is considered first.

// SystemVerilog

config cfg;

instance top.inst use amod #(.PARAM(1))



configuration cfg of top_entity

for rtl

for inst : aent use entity work.aent generic map (PARAM => 1); end for;

end for;

end configuration;

2. Defparam assignments

// SystemVerilog

defparam top.inst.PARAM = 1;

3. Instantiation overrides

// SystemVerilog

amod #(.PARAM(1)) inst();


inst : entity work.aent generic map (PARAM => 1);

4. Default values

// SystemVerilog

parameter int PARAM = 1;


generic (PARAM : integer := 1);