Verissimo SystemVerilog Testbench Linter User Guide
Rev. 24.1.8, 24 April 2024

Chapter 6. HTML Progress Report

The HTML Progress Report presents the progress of a project during its development by collecting the summaries of generated HTML reports and displaying them in a chart. It can be generated using the batch mode flag gen_progress_report, paired with report_folder or parent_folder flags.

To generate a progress report you need to pass at least 2 HTML reports.

The locations of the HTML reports can be specified using the report_folder flag. The parent_folder flag can be used to specify a folder that contains multiple HTML reports.


 1) -gen_progress_report -report_folder html_report_A -report_folder html_report_B
 2) -gen_progress_report -parent_folder multiple_html_reports_location/

The Show Hits and Show Checks actions from the top can be used to change the chart context between hits and checks.

When hovering a report from the chart, the number of hits/checks will be displayed inside a tooltip, as well as the differences compared to the previous report.

When clicking a report from the chart it will enable the actions from the bottom: Open Report and Open Compare to jump to the HTML report or to the HTML Compare report.

On the right side there is an interactive legend for enabling/disabling a dataset.


1. The HTML reports used in the progress report must include the HTML source code: -cmd ... -ruleset ... -gen_html_report -include_html_code

2. The progress report will sort the reports based on their generation date and compute a HTML Compare Report between each adjacent pair. Compare reports can also be passed using the flags mentioned above to speed up this stage: -gen_progress_report -report_folder html_report_A -report_folder html_report_B -report_folder html_compare_report_AB

3. The HTML Progress Report name can be changed by using the batch mode flag progress_name.

4. The chart Timestamp axis can be ordered by the commit date if it is specified in the HTML report (only GIT is currently supported). -cmd ... -ruleset ... -gen_html_report -include_html_code -include_code_date