DVT IDE for VS Code SystemVerilog User Guide
Rev. 24.1.9, 26 April 2024

22.3.2 Component Diagrams from Simulation

To generate the Component Diagrams from simulation, some additional arguments must be added to the build directives, depending on the simulator.

  • IUS: "-f $DVT_HOME/libs/dvt_chs/dvt_chs.top.ius.f". When using -makelib/-endlib add "-f $DVT_HOME/libs/dvt_chs/dvt_chs.ius.f" inside the library and "-top dvt_chs_module" outside of it.

  • VCS: "-f $DVT_HOME/libs/dvt_chs/dvt_chs.vcs.f"

  • Questa: "-f $DVT_HOME/libs/dvt_chs/dvt_chs.questa.f"

NOTE: To generate diagrams for OVM environments, use the appropriate filelist from $DVT_HOME/libs/dvt_chs/ovm

When the simulation starts, a component_hierarchy_of_<test_name>.chd will be generated in the working directory. Open the generated file in DVT to inspect the diagram.

The location of the diagram can be changed by setting the DVT_CHS_FILE environment variable before running the simulation.

export DVT_CHS_FILE=/path/to/a/components_diagram.chd # sh, bash
setenv DVT_CHS_FILE /path/to/a/components_diagram.chd # csh, tcsh

You can stop the test immediately after the diagram has been generated by setting the DVT_CHS_STOP_TEST environment variable before running the simulation.

export DVT_CHS_STOP_TEST=true # sh, bash
setenv DVT_CHS_STOP_TEST=true # csh, tcsh