Verissimo SystemVerilog Testbench Linter User Guide
Rev. 24.1.9, 26 April 2024

3.2.9 Import a Linting Session

Verissimo allows to import a previous linting session based on a HTML Report. This functionality can save a lot of time by giving one the ability to quickly resume previous work without having to start a new session from scratch.

To import a linting session, use the "Verissimo: Lint Project..." command, select "Import Session from HTML Report...", and choose a file.

After a full build of the project is performed, all the Verissimo functionalities will be available.

Note: The build configuration associated with the HTML Report from which a session is imported must be the same with the one of the current active build.

Note: Importing a compare report will display all the new failures and failures of new rules.