Rev. 24.1.9, 26 April 2024

26.3 External Builders

An external builder allows you to invoke any script/tool and back-annotate its output (errors, warnings etc.) to the source code. Practically it allows you to connect any 3d party tool (compiler, linter etc.) to DVT error signaling engines.

You can configure one or more external builders on a project:

  • The commands you define will be invoked on project clean, full build and incremental build.

  • The patterns you define will be applied on the command output to recognize errors, warnings etc.

  • The pattern matches will be back-annotated to the source code and presented in a similar way DVT signals errors (file, line, in the Errors View etc.)

DVT ships with some predefined example configurations to get you started.

For more details:

How to define a new external builder

How to invoke external builders

External Builder Output

Source Code Markers - errors warnings etc