Rev. 24.1.9, 26 April 2024

33.4 UVVM Support

DVT provides two build config directives to help you build your project with an UVVM library:

  • dvt_init_uvvm, required to compile UVVM library sources.

  • dvt_init_uvvm_vvc, required to compile UVVM VVC library sources. This directive should be used with for each VVC.

By default, the UVVM library code is loaded from the DVT installation. You can point to a different location by setting the $UVVM_HOME environment variable.


Note: When compiling a VVC, dvt_init_uvvm_vvc and VVC source files must be in the same library. For example:

+dvt_init_uvvm_vvc -work vvc_lib
+dvt_init -work vvc_lib /path/to/vvc/files

DVT comes with a built-in UVVM predefined project, project template and several code templates, which help you create UVVM test bench components.

A built-in UVVM Smart Log filter is available for DVT Generic Run Configurations.