Rev. 24.1.9, 26 April 2024

32.10.5 dvt_build.sh

Table of Contents Custom Report

This script allows you to use the DVT compiler in batch mode.


   [-cmd <command file>]
   [-compile_waivers <XML file>]
   [-custom_report_location <directory>]
   [-gen_custom_report <FTL file>]
   [-heap_size <size>]
   [-license_queue_timeout <timeout>]
   [-lang <language>]
   [-log <log file>]
   [-stack_size <size>]


[-cmd <command file>]
   Optional. Compile using the specified compilation arguments file.
   If not specified, compilation arguments are automatically detected by scanning the current working directory for source files.
[-compile_waivers <XML file>]
   Optional. Waive compilation errors using the waivers specified in the XML file. Waivers specified with this flag will have the highest precedence.
[-custom_report_location <directory>]
   Optional. Destination directory for the custom build report.
[-gen_custom_report <FTL file>]
   Optional, one or more. Generate a custom report using the specified template.
[-heap_size <size>]
   Optional. Set the Java heap size (syntax is <N>[g|G|m|M|k|K]). Default is 3072m.
   Print help and exit.
   Optional. Ignore build configuration errors.
[-license_queue_timeout <timeout>]
   Optional. Maximum time in seconds to wait in queue for a license when one is not available.
   Optional. Print all compile problems. Include waived problems if used with "-print_compile_waivers_info".
[-lang <language>]
   Mandatory. Enable support for the specified language (e, vlog, vhdl).
[-log <log file>]
   Optional. Log to specified file.
   Optional. Prints how many problems each compile waiver has matched.
   Optional. Turn on minimal output.
[-stack_size <size>]
   Optional. Set the Java thread stack size (syntax is <N>[g|G|m|M|k|K]). Default is 4m.
   Print version and exit.

Exit code

0 : The compilation completed successfully: at least a source file got analyzed and no configuration or compilation errors were reported
1 : Either no source files were compiled or configuration/compilation errors were encountered


Compile using the specified arguments file in mixed SystemVerilog + VHDL language:

dvt_build.sh -lang vlog -lang vhdl -cmd my_compile.args

Compile and generate a custom report using the specified template file:

dvt_build.sh -lang vlog -cmd my_compile.args -gen_custom_report template.xml.ftl Custom Report

To generate a custom compilation report in a text-based format starting from a template use the '-gen_custom_report'. You must provide the path to a FreeMarker template file (see FreeMarker Template Language Reference). By default the custom report is generated in the current working directory. Specify a different location using '-custom_report_location'.

Inside the template file, information about the compilation results can be obtained using the API available on the ${builder} variable.

Main API

  • getAllProblems(): returns a list of all the compile problems

  • getAllWaivers(): returns a list of all the compile waivers

  • getAllFiles(): returns a list of all the compiled files in compilation order; a file may be compiled multiples times

  • getTotalCompilationTimeFormatted(): returns the total compilation time

  • getTotalCompilationTimeMilliseconds(): returns the total compilation time in milliseconds

  • getNofCompiledLines(): returns the total number of compiled lines

Problems API

  • getId()

  • getSeverity()

  • getMessage()

  • getLine()

  • getFile()

Waivers API

  • getDescription()

  • getName()

  • getSeverity()

  • getFile()

  • getLine()

  • getHitCount(): how many problems a waiver has matched

  • getMatches(): returns the waiver's "match" clauses

Match Clause API

  • getPath()

  • getMessage()

File API

  • getPath()

  • getCompileSyntax(): returns the language and language version that was used to compile a file (e.g. Verilog_2001)

  • getNofLines()

  • getCompileIndex()

  • getCompileTime() Custom Report Examples

' Example 1 - XML Report Template'

<#list builder.getAllProblems() as problem>
       message=<#if (problem.getMessage())?has_content>"${problem.getMessage()}"<#else>"''"</#if>

The resulting XML file will look like this:

    message="MISSING_PORT_CONNECTION: Missing port connection to input port(s) 'bist_req_i'"
    message="IMPLICIT_LIBRARY_ACCESS: Access to 'work' library is implicit; the library clause can be removed"

Example 2 - JSON Report Template

"files": [
    <#list builder.getAllFiles() as file>
"waivers": [
    <#list builder.getAllWaivers() as waiver>
    "waiverDescription":<#if (waiver.getDescription())?has_content>"${waiver.getDescription()}"<#else>"''"</#if>,
    "waiverMatches": [
    <#list waiver.getMatches() as match>
        "matchPath":<#if (match.getPath())?has_content>"${match.getPath()}"<#else>"''"</#if>,
        "matchMessage": <#if (match.getMessage())?has_content>"${match.getMessage()}"<#else>"''"</#if>,
] ,
"problems": [
    <#list builder.getAllProblems() as problem>
    "problemMessage":<#if (problem.getMessage())?has_content>"${problem.getMessage()}"<#else>"''"</#if>,

The resulting JSON file will look like this

"files": [
"waivers": [
    "waiverDescription":"''This waiver disables all problems that contain 'SIGNAL_NEVER_USED' inside their message AND were reported under 'mx_1/jop/vhdl/top/'.",
    "waiverMatches": [
        "matchMessage": "SIGNAL_NEVER_USED: Signal is never used",
        "matchMessage": "*SIGNAL_NEVER_USED*",
    "waiverMatches": [
        "matchMessage": "NON_STANDARD_API: Unexpected method/",
        "matchMessage": "*SIGNAL_NEVER_WRITTEN*",
"problems": [
    "problemMessage":"MISSING_PORT_CONNECTION: Missing port connection to input port(s) 'bist_req_i'",
    "problemMessage":"MISSING_PORT_CONNECTION: Missing port connection to output port(s) 'bist_ack_o, bist_err_o'",