
Class uvm_config_db_options

uvm_pkg::uvm_config_db_options + is_tracing(): bit + turn_off_tracing(): void + turn_on_tracing(): void

Inheritance Diagram of uvm_config_db_options

Options include:



The default for tracing is off.


static function void turn_on_tracing ( ) [source]

Turn tracing on for the configuration database. This causes all reads and writes to the database to display information about the accesses. Tracing is off by default.

This method is implicitly called by the +UVM_CONFIG_DB_TRACE .

static function void turn_off_tracing ( ) [source]

Turn tracing off for the configuration database.

static function bit is_tracing ( ) [source]

Returns 1 if the tracing facility is on and 0 if it is off.