
Class uvm_resource_base

uvm_pkg::uvm_resource_base + access[string] : uvm_resource_types::access_t + default_precedence : int unsigned + precedence : int unsigned + convert2string(): string + do_print(): void + get_scope(): string + get_type_handle(): uvm_resource_base + init_access_record(): void + is_read_only(): bit + match_scope(): bit + print_accessors(): void + record_read_access(): void + record_write_access(): void + set_priority(): void + set_read_only(): void + set_read_write(): void + set_scope(): void + wait_modified() uvm_pkg::uvm_resource <T>

Inheritance Diagram of uvm_resource_base

Non-parameterized base class for resources. Supports interfaces for scope matching, and virtual functions for printing the resource and for printing the accessor list








int unsigned

This variable is used to associate a precedence that a resource has with respect to other resources which match the same scope and name. Resources are set to the default_precedence initially, and may be set to a higher or lower precedence as desired.


int unsigned

The default precedence for an resource that has been created. When two resources have the same precedence, the first resource found has precedence.


function new ( string name, string s ) [source]

constructor for uvm_resource_base. The constructor takes two arguments, the name of the resource and a regular expression which represents the set of scopes over which this resource is visible.


virtual function uvm_resource_base get_type_handle ( ) [source]

Pure virtual function that returns the type handle of the resource container.

function void set_read_only ( ) [source]

Establishes this resource as a read-only resource. An attempt to call uvm_resource#(T)::write on the resource will cause an error.

function void set_read_write ( ) [source]

Implementation question

Not sure if this function is necessary.

Once a resource is set to read_only no one should be able to change that. If anyone can flip the read_only bit then the resource is not truly read_only.

function bit is_read_only ( ) [source]

Returns one if this resource has been set to read-only, zero otherwise

function void set_scope ( string s ) [source]

Set the value of the regular expression that identifies the set of scopes over which this resource is visible. If the supplied argument is a glob it will be converted to a regular expression before it is stored.

function string get_scope ( ) [source]

Retrieve the regular expression string that identifies the set of scopes over which this resource is visible.

function bit match_scope ( string s ) [source]

Using the regular expression facility, determine if this resource is visible in a scope. Return one if it is, zero otherwise.

virtual function void set_priority ( uvm_resource_types::priority_e pri ) [source]


set priority

Change the search priority of the resource based on the value of the priority enum argument.

virtual function string convert2string ( ) [source]

function convert2string

Create a string representation of the resource value. By default we don't know how to do this so we just return a "?". Resource specializations are expected to override this function to produce a proper string representation of the resource value.

virtual function void do_print ( uvm_printer printer ) [source]

Implementation of do_print which is called by print().

function void record_read_access ( uvm_object accessor ) [source]

function void record_write_access ( uvm_object accessor ) [source]

virtual function void print_accessors ( ) [source]

Dump the access records for this resource

function void init_access_record ( uvm_resource_types::access_t access_record ) [source]

Initialize a new access record


function wait_modified ( ) [source]

This task blocks until the resource has been modified -- that is, a uvm_resource#(T)::write operation has been performed. When a uvm_resource#(T)::write is performed the modified bit is set which releases the block. Wait_modified() then clears the modified bit so it can be called repeatedly.