
Class uvm_coreservice_t

uvm_pkg::uvm_coreservice_t + get(): uvm_coreservice_t + get_component_visitor(): uvm_visitor + get_default_tr_database(): uvm_tr_database + get_factory(): uvm_factory + get_report_server(): uvm_report_server + get_root(): uvm_root + set_component_visitor(): void + set_default_tr_database(): void + set_factory(): void + set_report_server(): void uvm_pkg::uvm_default_coreservice_t

Inheritance Diagram of uvm_coreservice_t

The singleton instance of uvm_coreservice_t provides a common point for all central uvm services such as uvm_factory, uvm_report_server, ... The service class provides a static <::get> which returns an instance adhering to uvm_coreservice_t the rest of the set_<facility> get_<facility> pairs provide access to the internal uvm services

Custom implementations of uvm_coreservice_t can be included in uvm_pkg::* and can selected via the define UVM_CORESERVICE_TYPE. They cannot reside in another package.


virtual function uvm_factory get_factory ( ) [source]

intended to return the currently enabled uvm factory,

virtual function void set_factory ( uvm_factory f ) [source]

intended to set the current uvm factory

virtual function uvm_report_server get_report_server ( ) [source]

intended to return the current global report_server

virtual function void set_report_server ( uvm_report_server server ) [source]

intended to set the central report server to server

virtual function uvm_tr_database get_default_tr_database ( ) [source]

intended to return the current default record database

virtual function void set_default_tr_database ( uvm_tr_database db ) [source]

intended to set the current default record database to db

virtual function void set_component_visitor ( uvm_visitor#(uvm_component) v ) [source]

intended to set the component visitor to v (this visitor is being used for the traversal at end_of_elaboration_phase for instance for name checking)

virtual function uvm_visitor get_component_visitor ( ) [source]

intended to retrieve the current component visitor see set_component_visitor

virtual function uvm_root get_root ( ) [source]

returns the uvm_root instance

static function uvm_coreservice_t get ( ) [source]

Returns an instance providing the uvm_coreservice_t interface. The actual type of the instance is determined by the define UVM_CORESERVICE_TYPE.

define UVM_CORESERVICE_TYPE uvm_blocking_coreservice
class uvm_blocking_coreservice extends uvm_default_coreservice_t;
   virtual function void set_factory(uvm_factory f);
      uvm_error(&quot;FACTORY&quot;,&quot;you are not allowed to override the factory&quot;)