
Class uvm_exhaustive_sequence

uvm_pkg::uvm_exhaustive_sequence + body() + create(): uvm_object + do_compare(): bit + do_copy(): void + do_print(): void + do_record(): void + get_object_type(): uvm_object_wrapper + get_type(): type_id + get_type_name(): string

Inheritance Diagram of uvm_exhaustive_sequence

CLASS- uvm_exhaustive_sequence

This sequence randomly selects and executes each sequence from the sequencer's sequence library once, excluding itself and uvm_random_sequence.

The uvm_exhaustive_sequence class is a built-in sequence that is preloaded into every sequencer's sequence library with the name "uvm_exaustive_sequence".


function new ( string name ) [source]



virtual function void do_copy ( uvm_object rhs ) [source]

Implement data functions

virtual function bit do_compare ( uvm_object rhs, uvm_comparer comparer ) [source]

virtual function void do_print ( uvm_printer printer ) [source]

virtual function void do_record ( uvm_recorder recorder ) [source]

virtual function uvm_object create ( string name ) [source]

virtual function string get_type_name ( ) [source]


virtual function body ( ) [source]
