
Class uvm_table_printer

uvm_pkg::uvm_table_printer + calculate_max_widths(): void + emit(): string

Inheritance Diagram of uvm_table_printer

The table printer prints output in a tabular format.

The following shows sample output from the table printer.

Name        Type            Size        Value
c1          container       -           @1013
d1          mydata          -           @1022
v1          integral        32          'hcb8f1c97
e1          enum            32          THREE
str         string          2           hi
value       integral        12          'h2d


function new ( ) [source]

Creates a new instance of uvm_table_printer . New


virtual function string emit ( ) [source]

Formats the collected information from prior calls to print_* into table format. Emit

function void calculate_max_widths ( ) [source]
