
Class uvm_phase_cb

uvm_pkg::uvm_phase_cb + phase_state_change(): void

Inheritance Diagram of uvm_phase_cb

This class defines a callback method that is invoked by the phaser during the execution of a specific node in the phase graph or all phase nodes. User-defined callback extensions can be used to integrate data types that are not natively phase-aware with the UVM phasing.


function new ( string name ) [source]



virtual function void phase_state_change ( uvm_phase phase, uvm_phase_state_change change ) [source]

Called whenever a phase changes state. The change descriptor describes the transition that was just completed. The callback method is invoked immediately after the phase state has changed, but before the phase implementation is executed.

An extension may interact with the phase, such as raising the phase objection to prolong the phase, in a manner that is consistent with the current phase state.

By default, the callback method does nothing. Unless otherwise specified, modifying the phase transition descriptor has no effect on the phasing schedule or execution.